If you are in danger of falling into bankruptcy or other financial difficulty, then you have to take certain measures to repair your situation. There is no way to just magically make financial problems go away. If you are going to turn that negative situation into a positive one, you will have to take positive corrective action.
The first and most important change in your financial situation must come as a result of a personal change in your philosophy. If impulse purchases have been a problem for you, it is time to eliminate those things. You should concentrate on only purchasing things that are well thought out. This includes both big purchases and small purchases. For instance, some people will spend too much money on things like DVD box sets. Even those small things add up over time.
Control your credit card spending at all costs. If bankruptcy is in the near future for you, then you do not have the choice to use your credit card and pay it off later. You have to cut up the cards if it takes that to keep you from using them.
With that in mind, don't give any consideration to credit card offers that might come in the mail. Strangely, credit card companies like to prey on people who have suffered some financial issues. This is because they make a huge portion of their revenue off of the fees associated with credit card misuse.
When bankruptcy is in the equation, your life is not going to just stop. The world won't stop spinning just to make things easy on you. This means that you might even choose to purchase a home during this time. Like with your other spending, you have to control how much you spend on your home, as well. Don't try to impress anyone with your home. Stay within your means and purchase a house to fit your needs both financially and as a family.
One thing that people always seem to overlook is insurance. They have all of their bases covered except for that one very important base. If you don't have the appropriate medical insurance, auto insurance, or homeowners insurance, you could be putting yourself in significant danger financially. Without insurance, you are only one mishap or one emergency away from losing everything. If you have adequate insurance coverage, you will be pleased with your financial stability in the rocky situation.
Being in danger of bankruptcy won't stop you from saving money for retirement. You must still put some money into the coffers for savings. It's incredibly important to make sure that your investments are only safe ones. If you are having trouble financially, you cannot afford to make any mistakes with your investments. Don't make any brash decisions and don't extend your portfolio too much
Bankruptcy can be a difficult thing to go through, so you want to take all measures to prevent it from happening. If you follow these steps and use a little bit of common sense, you will more than likely find yourself in decent financial standing after a short period of time.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johnny_Moon
Thursday, January 31, 2008
How to Prevent Bankruptcy
Posted by clark2002 at 6:46 PM
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