Financial problems these days are very common and you shouldn't be ashamed of admitting your too far into debt. Outstanding debts can occur in a variety of different ways. You could be swamped with overwhelming medical bills, laid off from work, or worse. Financial troubles loom everywhere, but luckily theres still one way out If your in too deep. Knowing when and when not to file a bankruptcy can sometimes be tricky, but maybe I can help.
If your just overwhelmed with debt and can no longer pay then bankruptcy is definitely an option for you. When you file a bankruptcy to wipe your debt completely clean its called a 'discharge of debt'. Discharging your debt will start you over with a clean slate. It doesn't matter if you file a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 both will wipe most, if not all, of your debt out.
If you can no longer pay your mortgage and your house is up for foreclosure then bankruptcy is a viable option for you. A bankruptcy can help stop the sale of your house, but it will not wipe out the debt owed on your current mortgage. What a bankruptcy will do for your mortgage is help create a repayment plan for the payments your behind on.
A bankruptcy can also help keep your car and various other possessions from being repossessed. If your car has been repossessed already by the bank, a bankruptcy can force the bank to give you back your car. Unfortunately this is only the case if you file the bankruptcy quickly enough after your car is repossessed. Any debt you owe for these items will then be consolidated into a 'bankruptcy plan', which is a plan that a bankruptcy trustee will be directly responsible for your debt, and all your payments will be paid to them instead of to the finance company. A bankruptcy plan is made to be in your best interest.
If you plan to file because of medical bills then that may be a good option. Whether you were in the hospital for a major illness, or from a car wreck, or whatever, sometimes your medical bills can pile up to an exponential amount. If you can no longer afford to pay these bills then a bankruptcy can dramatically reduce your medical bill debt.
One of the major reasons people file bankruptcy is because loss of work. People easily become comfortable with their spending habits at the income their making. Sometimes the unthinkable occurs and you lose your job. The bills can quickly pile up. Often times this is compounded with medical bills also since a lot of people can no longer work because of medical reasons.
If you have an incredible amount of debt, don't be afraid to ask for a little help. Filing a bankruptcy can repair your financial burdens and get you back on your feet.
Why Should I File for Bankruptcy? was brought to you by Legal Forms Bank .Biz where you can download 'do-it-yourself' legal forms online. They help average people just like you to file for Personal Bankruptcy.
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Why Should I File for Bankruptcy?
Posted by clark2002 at 6:04 PM
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